Saturday, August 15, 2015

C++ coding and resources

We will try to put any good notes that we make for programming in C++ to help anybody that would like it. You can find tutorials for C++ on the Zero Robotics website, that is how we are learning C++ now acually. If you have any questions about us or code or anything email the Absolute Zero email at and we will respond as soon as we can.

Absolute Zero

Team Absolute Zero was the first team to join Zero robotics. It has had a few other teams before us run Absolute Zero, but as the new team for Absolute Zero we would like to share what we are doing and how we are doing to help anybody that is looking for information on Zero Robotics. We are a team of 5 people. We are hoping to do well in this years competition which will be our first year  in Zero Robotics for the most of us. 
Anyway thank you for looking at our blog/website and hope you will follow us.